The HooToo TripMate – Mobile Entertainment Cloud

During long road trips the kids in the car are typically bored out of their minds and inevitably they will ask the question, “Are we there yet?” way too many times. The airlines solved this problem with personal entertainment systems in front of each seat, where the passenger has the ability to choose his entertainment from a large variety of movies, tv shows, and games.

Over the past years, we have diligently converted all of our physical media, our purchased DVD’s, Bluray disks, and even some VHS tapes into digital media that can be stored and manipulated on hard disks or more recently SSD drives. We have found and used a device over the past three years to broadcast our own media in the car. The device is called NetShair Link Portable Wi-Fi Router & USB Media Hub. This device can take media from a USB hard disk that is connected to it and make the media on the hard disk available to mobile devices such as iPhones, iPads, and even laptops via WiFi. The NetShair worked well, but setting up the device was cumbersome and the performance of the device dropped when there are more than two devices connected to it. The iOS app was also outdated and difficult to use.

Recently we found a new solution offered by HooToo. The HooToo TripMate, provides the exact same functionality as the NetShair, but in a much usable form factor, because it has a 6000mAh battery that can be used to power the device or provide emergency charging for your phones or tablets. Whereas the NetShair requires you to always plug in the unit at all times.

Unfortunately, the mobile app for HooToo is also fraught with issues. For example the app will crash when two or more devices are playing simultaneously. What I found is simply using the web application that came with the device is good enough for setup.

After setting up the device, instead of using the app to play movies, I found the most stable way of playing movies from these devices is simply to use mobile Safari and point to the data folder, something along the lines of:

I found the native Safari video player performed with the best quality and stability when the maximum number of 5 connections are reached.

I also tried the VLC, Vidon, and the HooToo TripMate apps to play videos, but they were all inferior to Safari. For single user use, these apps are more than adequate, but we purchase these devices for family use, which means more than one user will be connected at the same time. I would say that VLC comes a close second, followed by Vidon, both can probably handle about two simultaneous connections. I would forget about the TripMate app all together to play videos for more than one connections.

I find that these devices are pretty handy especially when we are in a long drive or at a hotel room with limited WiFi or Internet service. However, the manufacturers could make them easier to use. The hardware is certainly adequate, but the software implementations can still use quite a bit of improvement.

Virtual Presence Drone

Instead of a telepresence robot on wheels as offered by Double Robotics, I think it would be an interesting idea to have a virtual presence quadcopter drone fitted with a 2 to 4 inch LCD, along with a camera and miniature mic and speaker system, about the size of a Maverick Drone (Update: This newly announced Dobby Drone fits the bill even better).

Individuals can remotely project themselves home or vice-versa, people working from home can project themselves into the office. The unit can have pre-programmed landing spots that will double as wireless charging stations for the drone. Another thought is to have magnetic ceiling (reverse landing) spots, where the drone can be magnetically-docked for charging and perhaps data syncing as well. When it is needed again, it will be released from the ceiling. Considerations can even be given, if the drone can double as a cosmetic lighting or fan fixture when not in use.

When in use, the person controlling it remotely via a smartphone app, simply control the drone at two fixed speeds, walking, and a slightly more brisk pace. I think this will greatly simplified the control of the drone and make it more manageable for everyone. Variable speeds and accelerations are simply not required when navigating indoors. This will also greatly improve safety considerations as well.

I think drone technology has come a long way with their auto-homing and anti-collision features. The applications for such a virtual presence drone could include but not limited to:

  • Security and monitoring
  • Telecommuting
  • Remote support
  • Virtual visitations (think grandparents, grandchildren, palliative care, etc.)
  • Other telepresence applications

Well you heard it here first. I hope some manufacturers pickup on this idea. I would buy three now. One for home, work, and one for the cottage.

The Hidden Value of VoIP

I received a call from a 547 area code. The caller had an East Indian accent and I was immediately suspicious about the call. She said that she was Windows Technical Support and she tells me that my Windows machine has been violated numerous times. At this point, I knew it was a scam so I played along to see what she wanted me to do. 

I challenged her to prove to me that she is monitoring my machine. When she indicated the ASSOC trick I knew this call was a full fledge scam, and proceeded to end the call.

Both my sister-in-law and my parents, like I are using VoIP for our land line calls. We all use I’ve been using them for years and they are reliable and dependable. They also allow you to filter calls, which I used to block all area codes from 545 to 550, because these are invalid area codes. I learned about these area codes after the call.

VoIP is not only about saving costs. Its hidden values also include call filtering as I used above, as well as call forwarding to a group of numbers, and detail call auditing. I use all these features frequently. 

We’ll See How Long We Last

Per my previous post, I tuned up my bike today, but felt too tired right afterwards to try it out. I was planning to defer the ride until tomorrow morning, but some how after dinner I found myself with renewed energy and wanted to give my new, tuned up bike a spin.

We have to start the New Year by completing all three rings on my Apple Watch. A work out that started out easy, turned quite fun. I used a YouTube Top 40 playlist of music videos, and gamed the work out. After a warm up, I forced myself to go into Zone 5 for a minute at the beginning of every song.

With this pattern, before I knew it I had an hour done, and my rings were completed. Apple has a pending Ring In the New Year challenge. We’ll see how long this discipline will last, but my goal is to complete the challenge this month!

Strava Workout Results (Click Image for Details)

It Only Took 2.5 Years!

On July of 2014, while cleaning my Cervelo R5 on a beautiful summer day,

Cracked lock ring

I noticed that my crank was wobbly. Upon closer inspection by Billy’s Pro Bike, the lock ring that fasten the crank to the spider of the crank was cracked. Long story short, I contacted Rotors in the US and their customer support was superb. I got a replacement spider and crank assembly. However I never took the opportunity to put it back on my bike. At the time I was riding with a used crank from Billy’s.

On the first day of 2017, I took some time in the new year to tune my bike.

  • Replaced my worn out Dura-Ace 11-25 cassette with a brand new Ultegra 11-28 cassette, that I got at a Boxing Dale Sale at La Bicicletta;
  • Replaced a bent drop out that was bent out of shape in a multi-bike piled up during the spring of 2016;
  • Tune both my rear and front derailleurs;
  • Took my chain off and gave it a thorough cleaning and re-greasing;
  • AND FINALLY replaced by front crank assembly

Here are the results:

Brand new crank
New cassette Ultegra 11-28

It took me more than 4 hours. I guess I am not cut out to be a bike mechanic, and I better keep my day job!

I am so tired, I’ll test out the bike tomorrow.

Decrepit Smoke Alarms

17 years old smoke alarm

We moved into our current house in the fall of 1999. Today it would be 17 years at this house. The old smoke alarms came with the house and others have kindly reminded me that they are long overdue. These alarms are hardwired into the house’s 120V electrical circuits. With no batteries to replace, I thought they would just last forever. I did not know that they have a limited life span of 10 years.

Newly installed Kidde dual purpose smoke alarm

This fall, I did some research on replacement possibilities and settled for the Kidde brand. Costco also had a convenient 3 pack on sale. One of the three alarms also detect carbon monoxide gas, so that’s great, because I can now get rid of my old plugged in carbon monoxide detector as well. They arrived a long time ago, but it was just today that I had some free time to install them.

The installation process was much easier than I thought. With a Robertson screw driver, it only took me about 5 minutes to take the old one out and installed the new one.

When I tested them, I was also pleasantly surprised that when one trips, the remaining two alarms sound off as well. That’s a feature that I didn’t expect to have. Another feature of these new alarms is that they actually voice out in English that either fire or carbon monoxide gas has been detected. That was pretty cool too.

With these types of devices, I firmly believe in keep it simple and stupid (KISS), so Nest smoke alarms are out, more things to break and diagnose. All in all, a pretty productive morning prior to our Christmas Eve dinner.

Casper Mattress

I heard a lot about the Casper mattresses online, especially from podcasts that I listen to. They were always giving away discount codes and praising how wonderful the mattresses were.

We had our old mattress since 2004, so I think it was time for a change. This was a traditional mattress and certain parts were so worn out that hills and valleys on the mattress were clearly felt and seen.

We finally took the plunge and ordered a King size version of Casper for our master bedroom. It arrived on November 28th, but did not get the chance to open it and sleep on it until the night of the 29th. Why the delay? The mattress came in a tall box and I had a false understanding that it may take some time for the mattress to regain its shape.

Casper King Size Delivery Box
Casper King Size Delivery Box

Well, this concern turned out to be unwarranted. When I open the box, I found the mattress was folded in half and was rolled up, held together with a white cloth like material. When I tore the material away, the stored potential elasticity of the mattress cause it to unrolled itself. The mattress was also sealed with a plastic bag, and I made short work of that. Once the mattress was freed of its packaging constraints, it just literally sprang into its original King size shape in seconds. Pretty impressive to watch!

A couple of first impressions! Some people may not mind the synthetic smell that was immediately evident once the mattress broke out of its plastic wrappings. It was bearable but not likeable. Luckily it was a pretty good day, so we opened our windows and air out the mattress. Second, when I finally lay on the bed, I thought it may be too soft to my liking. I like my bed nice and firm.

I thought the softness of the bed was disappointing at first, and was concerned whether I would sleep well on it. On the first night as I lay on the bed, it felt different, like sleeping in a hotel room, something new. I toppled and turned until I found a position that finally allow me to enter into a state of slumber. To my amazement, I had a great first night sleep. The mattress is soft, but supports your body comfortably and firmly once you lay on it in a horizontal position. It is much softer than a traditional mattress if you sit on the edge of the mattress. The softness is balanced to conform to the contours of your body, especially when you sleep on your side. There were no uncomfortable pressure points.

It has now been four nights, and each night I slept straight through to the morning. This was not the case with the old mattress. I typically get up in the middle of the night. Maybe we are still in the honeymoon period with the mattress, but so far I like it!

We kept our old mattress just in case, but I think we are now convinced and the old mattress is on its way out. Oh, the smell subsided and I didn’t even notice it last night. Many people asked me about this mattress, so I hope you’ll find this impression useful.

As I finish this article while laying on the very mattress that I’m writing about, I am really enjoying the snuggly feel of it.

An Old Friend

Okay I just got my new MacBook Pro 15″ with Touch Bar. It is working quite well as I type my first post with it. But this post is not about my newest friend, the MacBook Pro, but an old friend, Rajib Roy, who I had the pleasure with catching up tonight over a table filled with maki rolls at a sushi restaurant in Richmond Hill.

Although we keep in touch once a year, typically on my birthday, we never had an opportunity to physically meet and catch up. Tonight he happened to be in town, and I was really looking forward to our discussions. He reminded me that we haven’t seen each other since 1998, so we are talking about 18 years! This is a significant intermission. In that time we’ve been through two financial melt downs, and we went from web page ubiquity, to apps, to machine learning and internet of things.

21cb5a4f-1232-4372-b6e4-6ab73f6c4a70We discussed many things, which Rajib was kind enough to jot down in great detail on his blog, where he so eloquently recount our dinner, and certainly made me look much wiser than I really am. Thanks for the kind words Rajib.

We exchanged many ideas, but two major take aways that really made an impression on me were:

  • His technique of trying to keep in touch with his friends by calling them up on their birthdays. I am really lucky to have myself to be a member of this lucky group. It is always a pleasure to hear Rajib’s voice either on or close to my birthday. I thought, what an ingenious way to ensure that all of us keep in touch. In the age of instant messages and social media, a real, rare, and most definitely welcome voice, can sometimes make all the difference to liven things up for the day. I applaud him for making the effort to keep in touch with so many, when I learned from a recent book that I read, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, by Yuval Noah Harari, that we humans are only capable of forging a limited number of relationships.
  • His work ethics of work hard for several years, and then take a whole year off, is a great way to maximize your time with your friends and family and appreciate the things in life that you can enjoy by giving them due and full attention without the day to day distractions of work. This is the best work-life-balance technique that I have heard to date. I only wish I can some how make this work for myself. Only if I could rationalize my personal economics. He  poignantly recalls a book he read about an Australian nurse, Bronnie Ware, working in palliative care, that those on their death beds wished that they didn’t work so hard.

It would have been good to have other past coworkers along this evening, but at the same time, our concentrated exchanges, reminiscing about past colleagues, and contemplating on our outlooks on life was really — in a word — enjoyable.

Until next time Rajib, and this time let’s keep our intermission in months instead of years.

Maker Encouragement

My kids wanted to build a gaming computer. I thought this is a wonderful exercise in which they can learn how computer hardware works. Also, there is a little bit of project planning skills involved as well. They will need to decide on a list of required parts, be able to research the advantages and disadvantages of each part while they go through a selection process for each part. The final assembly process will also teach them the essential parts of a physical computer.

To encourage them, I told them that I will subsidize 50% of the cost of the computer up to $1000 CAD. If they decide to take this offer, then this is also their Christmas present.

Since these are gaming computers, there are certain conditions for these boxes:

  • These computers must only be used for games only.
  • For regular school work, video editing, research, and other day-to-day consumption of the Internet, this must be done with their regular computers today, which are Macs.
  • These gaming boxes will be powered off when not in use.
  • There should be no personal information, emails, photos, and family contacts stored on these computers.
  • These computers will also not have access to other family computers.

Of course, I’ll help them with the parts selection as well as the process of building the computer. I look forward to seeing what they are going to build!

Richmond Hill’s Santa Clause Parade!

Tonight we hurried our dinner to catch our city’s annual Santa Clause Parade. We have the good fortune of having the parade right by our street, so it was only a 5 minutes walk from our house to a good spectating area on Leslie Street.

Seeing the cadets marching by and then escorting Santa at the end of the parade brought back some old memories when I was an Air Cadet back in the 80’s.

Aside from the brisk 3℃ windy evening, the parade definitely brought a dose of warm holiday spirit to our neighbourhood. Thank you Richmond Hill for organizing such a fun event. I hope you hold it again next year using the same route. I definitely did not envy those who had to drive and park at the event.

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Note: All pictures were taken with my new iPhone 7.