Ontario Covid-19 Vaccine Receipts

This morning I found out that the Ontario Government has made official Covid-19 Vaccine Receipts available through their website (https://covid19.ontariohealth.ca).

To download your receipts, all you will need is your Health Card. If you are like me and took a photo of your Health Card on your phone, it may not be sufficient, because information from both the front and back of the Health Card is required.

The service will allow you to download a PDF document for each dose of Covid-19 vaccine that you have received. To make it more convenient, I use the Preview app on my Mac to aggregate the data from both doses into a single PDF document. I then attached the PDF document on my iPhone’s Notes App for easy access should I require to show proof of my vaccination in 2021.

I also placed the information on my secured NAS server so that it can be accessed by any devices that has a secret link from the Internet, and generated a QR code for easy access for any third party that requires my proof of vaccination.

In the end, it looks something like what is shown above/right.

I also created a Siri Shortcut on the phone for easy access.

Now I have to repeat and rinse for all members of the family.