Resizing LVM Volume with Cache

I had to increase the size of my media LVM logical volume again. In a previous post, I provided the instructions. I have done this many times. However, this time around, I ran into a snag.

Apparently this is the first time I try to increase the logical volume after I implemented LVM caching, which I wrote about in this post.

The steps in the “Linux LVM Super Simple to Expand” post are the same right up to and including the step involving the resizing of the physical volume. Afterwards, in order to resize the logical volume, we first have to disable the cache temporarily.

sudo lvconvert --splitcache /dev/airvideovg2/airvideo

Once the logical volume is no longer cached, then we can proceed with the resizing.

sudo lvresize -l +100%FREE /dev/airvideovg2/airvideo

Once the resize is completed, we can unmount the volume and perform the required resizing of the filesystem.

sudo systemctl stop smbd.service

sudo systemctl stop mpd.service

sudo systemctl stop apache2.service

sudo umount /mnt/airvideo

sudo e2fsck -y -f /dev/airvideovg2/airvideo

sudo resize2fs -p /dev/airvideovg2/airvideo

Note that e2fsck and resize2fs will take some time, between thirty minutes to an hour each. Once the file system is resized, we can reattach the cache.

sudo lvconvert --type cache --cachepool airvideovg2/lv_cache airvideovg2/airvideo

Usually it is a good idea to reboot the server after this just to make sure it mounts properly.

This is a small snag and LVM is still super simple to expand.

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