I have two legacy ceiling fans in the house. One upstairs and the second in the living room. Both uses a radio frequency remote control. I could replace the fan or its remote control units to be more “smart”. However, I found out about this Bond Bridge product, which acts a WiFi to RF bridge for these products. Both my Hampton Bay fans are supported.

I had some issues setting up the Bond Bridge to my home WiFi network, but their customer support was extremely helpful. After setting up both of my fans on the Bond Home app, and tested the light and fan speed controls, I integrated the Bond Bridge to my Homebridge server on my NAS.
I had to use the homebridge-bond plugin, which by now I was old hat in setting up these homebridge plugin’s. A quick edit in the homebridge configuration file as instructed by the plugin, and I can control the fans with Siri and the HomeKit app.
Next step is to probably wait for Black Friday and get 2 HomePod mini, one for upstairs and one in the basement, so that our voice commands can be picked up throughout the house. All common accessories save the basement has now been integrated into HomeKit.