In Canada when we buy groceries, we can inspect their nutritional make up. The idea is to make better or more fitting diet choices to improve our health. Whether to reduce our saturated fat, sodium or carbohydrates. All of this makes perfect sense. We can extend this concept by having a nutritional label for every item that we purchase. How do we do that?
We can create a new eco-label. This label can consists of a summary of the cost that we impose on our planet to create and make this item available for you to purchase, along with any recyclable or waste disposal characteristics. Instead of making a conscious decision in regards to our own health, this eco-label can be used to help us make good decisions that will improve the health of the planet.
The eco-label can indicate how much energy in joules was consumed and how much harmful emissions were created to produce and deliver this product. The label can also indicate whether the product is recyclable and what will it take to recycle the product. We can start simple, and does not have to be complete to make a difference. I know that it would affect my purchasing decision if I knew how much CO2 gases were generated by the next pair of running shoes that I will buy.
Having such a label will have ancillary influences on how manufacturers will design and make their products. Businesses will be more accountable in terms of auditing their planetary impact. Perhaps a new dedicate discipline of eco-centric chartered accountants can focus on the auditing of such activities as well. Market forces can also help businesses to be more competitive by attaining certain goals on the eco-labels.
We all need to be actively concern and participate in a continuous fashion if we are to make an impact on how we change our planet. The eco-label can make climate change a topic of concern at every point of purchase. Even if you are not a climate change believer, the eco-label provides more eco transparency in addition to the financial and health costs.
I think this is very powerful. I am willing to bet that most of you will have similar feelings and thoughts on this topic as well. What do you think, a good idea?