3D Printed Qi Wireless Charger

Last year when I purchased the iPhone X, I was curious whether Qi Wireless Transmitters were available. To my surprise, I was able to search for a Qi Wireless Transmitter PCB board from eBay. Out of curiosity I purchased one for about $5 CAD (free shipping). It took awhile to arrive but I was in no hurry.

The intent is to design a 3D printed container for the PCB board and I would have a very cheap functional Qi compliant wireless charger.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get to this project until last weekend. I spent almost an entire day designing the container and printed 4 prototypes before I got the measurements perfect.

This morning, I finally got the two pieces printed, a simple top cover along with a bottom container. It was pure joy when all the pieces fitted perfectly together. Please witness the pieces here, along with a video showing how everything just works!

I have to say, super proud of myself on this one.


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