Compact Villager Breeder in Minecraft

For the past few days, I have been building a villager breeder. I’ve built the breeder in an attempt to obtain rare enchantments (Mending and Frost Walker). The two enchantments I just listed are very powerful and valued. I started the process of creating my breeder near my village on the lake. I then looked at multiple versions of breeders I could possibly create. I decided to create a compact villager breeder by Unarybit. As stated in his video, the breeder works by the gaps where the breeding happens. The kids drop down to an area where they can grow while the adults stay in the breeder where they can produce more children. The most difficult part of the build was the placement of the villagers which took me ages. If you don’t get it right the first time you will need to start all over. Eventually I manage to finish the breeder, and I then decorated the breeder and its surrounding area. I’ve even been able to complete my goal of getting the two enchantments and I have created a shop for them which I might cover in another article. Overall building this breeder was fun and I hope everyone in the server can enjoy the breeder and rare enchantments.

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