Winter on the green

This week, I will be talking about a concert called winter on the green. In my previous blogs, I have always talked about concerts from the audience’s perspective. However, this time I was one of the performers. So instead of talking about how I felt about the music, I will be explaining the pieces we played and the process of how we got ready.

First, I will be talking about the pieces. The first piece we played was a song called pieces of eight. Although the name doesn’t suggest it, it’s a pirate song. It’s a very fast pace piece, and I will admit, I messed up the most on this one. Pieces of eight, was also the shortest song at one page long. The second piece we played was a song called avalanche. Out of all the pieces, I probably played this one the best, as I spent more time on it. Unfortunately, there are these two bars near the end of the piece that I keep messing up. During the concert, I messed up on the two bars but luckily no one noticed. The avalanche piece was the second longest piece we played at around two pages. Finally, the longest piece we played was the meledy composition. Unlike the other pieces, this piece was created by our grade 12 classmates. The piece was basically a big mishmash of different music. There were parts from songs like canon, despacito, flower dance, and others. Out of all the songs that were a part of this composition, I liked flower dance the most. It was a shame that right after flower dance we were playing despacito because the genres are so different.

Now, I will talk about the process of how the concert worked. Unlike the rest of my family, I had to arrive earlier. The teacher made it clear she wanted all of us at school by 6 o’clock. The reason for this was so we could tune, practice, etc. After arriving, I went to the music room to tune and practice. I will admit it was quite boring and noisy. After around 30 minutes, I just read until the concert began. At around the same time, I saw a friend who was also participating in the concert. We said hello but didn’t have a deep conversation because she was in another room. The teachers decided to split the band and the string instrument between the two music rooms. The reason for this was because there were too many students. However, there were a few exceptions, seeing as a flute group ended up practicing in the same room as us. When it was our turn, I was really nervous. Which made my hand sweat a lot. As we made our way to our seats, the cellos blocked the way to my seat. This required my stand partner and me, to go around the cellos, which was not something we practice during rehearsal. The actual performance went well for the most part. After we left the stage, some members of the performance left to go see the rest of the concert. While others left the school entirely to go home. I ended up just waiting in the music room reading. The room also had a live feed, so I could always see who was on. Near the end, I got bored and decided to watch the remaining performances.

Overall, I had a very fun time. However, this isn’t something I would do again, one time was enough. After this experience, I think I prefer being in the audience than the performer. In the end, I enjoyed the experience and I found the concert entertaining.

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