2nd Preparations for Exams

This week, I will talk my plans for the upcoming exam. In the next to weeks exams and final summative will be due. So far, I have managed to complete my English final project, health project, and health summative. Currently, I have been studying for math EQAO, math test, working on my final geography project, and studying for my English exam.

In order to prepare for exams, my math teacher gave us a few practice worksheets. However, this is only for math. In geography, our teacher has recently been away for a week. This resulted in our geography speeding up at a rapid pace to finish our final unit. Meanwhile, our English teacher was more concerned about our final projects. After the final projects, I’m unsure what we will do. We also basically finished gym, and are just counting the days now.

My personal priorities are English, then math, and finally geography. I am prioritizing English over math because of my current mark. Currently, I have 77% English average, while my math has an 85% average. Unlike last semester, I would like all my marks to have an 80% average. To study for my English, I reread all the book that will be covered on the exam. Other than reading there is not much studying to do in English. Since I had extra time, I used it on math. After many adjustments, my new schedule includes primarily math. During my breaks, I also do some English and geography.

Overall, I feel this semester is more stressful than the last. Last semester had more exams but felt less stressed. I think this is because I have math and English in one semester. Next year, I would like to have a more balanced first and second semester.

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