Montreal trip 2017

This year, my family and I went to Montreal. Every year we go to Montreal to meet with family. However, on this year, my grandparents didn’t go with us.

We had to wake up early in the morning. I mostly packed up the night before. That day, we drove to Montreal. The ride wasn’t too bad. It took around 6 hours to get to Montreal. When we got there, Kalen and I headed to the basement. After a few hours, our uncles arrived. We then played Mario Kart until dinner started. Midway through our session, Harrison arrived. Then we continued after dinner. The first day just getting to Montreal and playing games.

The next day, was the Christmas dinner. Again, Harrison, Kalen, and I where busy playing Mario Kart. Soon it was time for dinner. At dinner, there was potato, beef, chicken, stuffing, and a bunch of other food. I mainly ate potatoes with some meat. After we ate Kalen, Harrison, and I went back to the basement. However this time it was just us. the Uncles didn’t really join us until late into the night because of the party. That night, we played Mario Kart and Bomberman on the switch until 1-2 am in the morning.

On the final day, we again played a lot of games. Harrison again came over and we played a 48 round Mario Kart marathon. That was probably the most noteworthy thing we did that day. After dinner, we played this new game. I forgot the name but was a telltale story. The players basically had to find clues, and choose options that would affect the story. The telltale story was the last thing we did at Montreal. The next morning we packed up our bags and left Montreal.

In the end, I had a great time. I meet with family and I got top to play with the switch. My favorite thing to do there was probably playing with the switch. Overall, I had a great time in Montreal.

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