Castle Crashers

This week I will be talking about the game Castle Crashers. I recently got this game from Nathan. In this blog, I’ll be talking about my thoughts on the game and experience.

I have already played this game on the Xbox, so I already know a lot about the game. Castle Crashers is 2D style game and you can play with three other people. The plot revolves around saving four princesses and a crystal from an evil wizard. On your quest, you gather exp, weapons, and pets. In my opinion, the story is lacking. However, the game wasn’t made with a good story in mind. If you get this game you playing for the laughs, gameplay/art style, and multiplayer.

The game has you choose one of four the knights. However, if you play with your friends there might be fighting over the orange knight (The overall best starter character). From that point, you start the story. After the evil wizard steals a crystal, you fight hoards of enemies to retrieve it. Unfortunately, the crystal has been taken to another continent. You will then need to retrieve three items (spyglass, compass, and steering wheel) for a ship crew to take you to the next content. Along the way, you’ll find two of the four princesses. Each time you save a princess, your character will kiss her. If you play with your friends you enter a PvP situation. Whoever wins kisses the princess.

Overall, I think this is a very good game. It won’t take very long to finish the game (It took Kalen, Nathan, and I 12 hours to finish it). However, playing with friends can be fun. Besides the main story, there’s also plenty of mini-games. In the end, a great game that you should buy if on sale.

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