7/8 Valentine Dance

A few weeks ago, Mrs. Ciani decided to host a Valentine dance to raise money for the grade 8 graduation. I was actually happy that we would raise money for the grade 8 graduation. However, I did not have high hopes for the Valentine dance.

On Tuesday, February 14 we had our grade 7/8 Valentines dance. As I expected the dance was exactly what I thought it would be. Instead of soft relaxing music, there was hard rock, pop, and other kinds of music. It actually didn’t really matter what kind of music the DJ’s were playing because no one was actually dancing. Instead, there was a bunch of grade 7 students jumping in front of the DJ’s. The DJ’s were the same people who were at our previous school dances, like the Halloween dance.

When my class finally arrived at the gym, the dance had already started. Most of the grade 7 classes had already arrived and there were a bunch of pink and red balloons all over the floor. The first thing I did, was meet up with the rest of my friends. Then we sat next to the back wall. The back wall was the only place that was far enough from the brain rattling music. A few minutes later I realize that some of my classmates were starting a game of cards. I went to go check how did the game was progressing. Eventually, the game stopped because they didn’t have a good light source and the music was too loud.

Near the end of the dance, the DJ’s decided to have a limbo contest in the middle of the gym. I didn’t participate because it was too crowded. Most my friends didn’t participate in the limbo contest either. Eventually, the DJ’s realize that the limbo contest wasn’t a good idea. Instead, they started a conga line which I didn’t join either because I didn’t know one started. After the conga line dismantled, one of my friends told me about it.

In the end, the dance was like every single other dance the school has organized for us. Hopefully next time, the dance will be quieter. I thought the dance was all right. Even though the music was loud, I still got to hang out with my friends. Well, this was my thoughts on Redstone’s first Valentines dance.

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