What is Shoujo

So a week or two ago, I talked about Isekai, a popular genre in Japan. At the end of that blog, I suggested I might make a series talking about genres unknown to western culture. Because nothing that interesting happened this week, I’m going to continue that series by talking about a different kind of genre. This time around, I’ll be talking about one of my favourites, Shoujo.

So, what is Shoujo? Thankfully, it’s a lot more simpler than Isekai, so I won’t need to split this up into two blogs. Basically, the definition of Shoujo in manga or anime generally aimed at a young female audience. Meaning, most of the genre is primarily romantic in nature. So what makes this genre any different from the romance genre? Well, to be honest I’m not quite sure myself. However, the way I look at it is that Shoujo is a subset of romance. Generally, these Shoujo manga/anime are more fantastical and unrealistic. More often than not, these pieces of media have the primary ship end up together, and there will always be a fairy tale ending. To put it in simple words, it’s a modern fairy tale. On the other hand, there is Josei which tends to be a bit more realistic. For now, I’ll just be talking about Shoujo. It’s just easier to view Shoujo and Josei as subsets of romance. 

Next, I want to talk about why people read Shoujo. Well, I don’t know about other people, but I read it because it’s like an escape. It is meant to be unrealistically sappy and cutesy. It’s like asking why people read science-fiction. However unlike science-fiction, it’s not the world that’s unrealistic, but the relationships. Shoujo manga and anime can have amazing characters with great depth and personalities. What I mean in terms of unrealistic, is the fact that the plot will ignore certain social norms so characters can be together. This is the escape aspect in all its glory, because of the world’s social norms, it really is hard for a Shoujo plot to actually happen in real life. So when we read about it, there is that same disconnect that makes fairy tales so appealing. 

Finally, I talk about some of the trends and plots that usually appear in Shoujo manga/anime. First, Shoujo is very flexible and can go along with almost any other genre. For example, the Isekai genre I just talked about a few weeks ago, can incorporate aspects of Shoujo. The only genre I can think of off the top of my head that will conflict with Shoujo is tragedy. However, because there is so much ground to cover, I’ll just be covering the plots that centre around Shoujo and it’s not merged with a subplot.

The first plot type I want to talk about is rich and poor. Typically, these plots will have a rich guy and a poor girl and they break social norms together. The reason I’m so specific with the guy being rich and the girl being poor is because it’s almost always true. During my entire time reading Shoujo manga I don’t think I’ve seen a rich girl and a poor guy. Still, there still might be an exception out there so I won’t say anything with absolute certainty. Another quirk about this kind of plot is that the setting is usually in a medieval world or in a high school. Rarely does Shoujo step outside these bounds, because then it starts entering Josei territory. 

Next, I want to talk about a plot that I’ve seen a lot recently. In this plot, the characters involved usually have very different ages. For example, a recent manga I read had the age difference between two characters be 24 years. An added point for this kind of story, is that this can easily be a Josei plot as well. The difference being that in a Shoujo manga the author will have the two character fall in love, while in a Josei plot there will likely be a compromise or even a bitter sweet ending. 

In the end, I really like Shoujo manga/anime. It’s a modern fairy tale and I just love the concept. Perhaps next week, I’ll be talking about Josei? 

Driving Experience

Since my 16th birthday, I’ve started taking driving lessons. So, in this blog, I would like to share my experience driving. 

During my first time driving, I was actually really nervous. Throughout the first day, the instructor continuously told me to speed up, which is something he still does to this day. To this day, I always thought people should stay under the speed limit, but apparently that doesn’t really happen. Another reason I like to take it slow is the accelerator. I’ve gotten better at using it but I never expected it to be so touchy. Overall, I prefer to stay under the speed limit by around 5km/h. 

Next, I want to talk about the screw ups I’ve had so far. Personally, I like to think I don’t have that many mistakes. However, I won’t deny I’ve had them. The first one, happened at a four way stop sign. This was my first time at one of these stop sign and it was my first time driving, so I nervous. After check no one was in the way I proceeded like normal, but then a red car, came into view on my left. Honestly, I kind of froze up and almost pressed the brakes. Thankfully, that was avoided because the red car did what it was supposed to do and stopped, but the experience was still kind of scary. 

The next memory I want to talk about, is my first encounter with jaywalkers. I think this happened during my second time driving. That day because of when the lesson started, it was around rush hour. Since I was really inexperience my instructor had me stay away from the main roads. However, when we were heading home, we had to pass one major intersection. On this road is where the two jaywalker incidents happened. The first wasn’t so bad. It was just before the major road and there weren’t any other cars other than me. The second time was much more scary. I was driving through the major intersection, the light was green, and some guy decided it was a great time to cross. In the moment, I really wanted to slam the brakes, but I also really didn’t want to cause an accident with the cars behind me. In the end, I slowed down a bit and the instructor honked the horn. 

The last incident I want to talk about happened rather recently. There isn’t any real story behind this one. I was just really rusty since I hadn’t driven since summer and the instructor to make tighter turns. In the end, the tire hit the curb. I guess it taught me to be more aware of my surroundings. 

In the end, there isn’t much to talk about besides the incidents, and there aren’t many of those to begin with. Overall, I find driving can be fun if done safely. I still can’t handle the really busy crowded roads but I feel like I soon can. My next lesson is tomorrow and I wonder hit I’ll learn next. 

What is Isekai part 2

Last time, I talked about what isekai is and the general trends of world transportation like stories. This week, I’m going to be continuing that blog by talking about the second type of isekai I mentioned in that blog. 

Alright, like I said in my previous blog, the second type of isekai is usually related to reincarnation. It still has the world transferring aspect but instead it affects more so the soul than the actual person. In these types of stories the protagonist always dies, the most common cause being car crashes, and gets reincarnated into a new world. In a reincarnated world, I end up seeing two kinds of it. A really structured kind with set mechanics and a free flowing one where the author has the protagonist figure out stuff on their own. More often than not, most reincarnation stories follow the former and even if that’s not the case there’s usually always someone to explain the new world mechanics. The difference between how this is presented to the reader is that in a structured world, the protagonist will usually meets some kind of ‘god’, or the world will be really game like with descriptions for everything. On the other hand, in a free flowing world, the protagonist will experiment and stumble a bit on their own before someone explain the actual mechanics to them. Sometimes this can be a few chapter in or even maybe several books later. 

Even with these two categories, recreation stories can still be quite varied. An example of this is what I like to call the soul replacement stories. These stories still follow the trend of the protagonist dying and will either be set in a free flowing world or structured world, however, the difference is in the reincarnation aspect. Instead of full blow reincarnation, the protagonist gets placed into the body of a recently deceased character. This plot device is actually pretty common and can really help out the writer. The reason for this is that with soul replacement, the author doesn’t need to go through chapters of set up. It’s much easier to get action out of a walking child than a crawling baby. Even so, most writer don’t have the protagonist enter the body older than that of a teenagers. The reason for this can vary, but I personally think it’s for character and world development. It can also make explain new world mechanics much easier, as no one will question having to explain concepts, even basic ones, to a child. In the end though, soul replacement stories aren’t that different when you get down to it. In a way it is just a convent way for the author to skip a few years. 

However, not all reincarnation plot devices are as common like the soul replacement. In fact, the reincarnation stories I find most interesting are the monster ones. In stories like these, the protagonist is not reincarnated as a human but instead a monster. The monsters can range from a dragon to a slime. However, the most common ones are usually slimes, with spiders following closely behind. The reason I like these stories so much, is because they put a twist on how people see monsters in RPGs. Instead of seeing the world through the eyes of a monster slaying hero, we instead get to see the exact opposite of that. Another reason, why these kinds of stories are so interesting is are the actual protagonist. In hero reincarnation stories, there is usually a trend of events that will almost always happen, but it’s different with monster reincarnation. In monster reincarnation stories, we don’t know how the protagonist will react to their new form. Sometimes, they will be disgusted with themselves or other times they will just accept it. Regardless, it is a different and the personality of the protagonist can be much more varied compared to hero reincarnation stories.

Finally, I get to talk about the flaws with isekai stories. Personally, I really like this genre, however, I can still see some faults with it. The most prominent is how bland some isekai stories can get, hero reincarnation stories are especially guilty of this. It’s actually quite hard to find a completely unique isekai story. The first time I read a monster reincarnation story I thought the concept was amazing, until I read five other different stories with a similar formula. My point, the genre is over saturated with bland stories and recycled plot points. However, it isn’t only the stories fault, it’s also the characters. Most of the time, you’ll be hard pressed to actually find a really good protagonist. Both world transfer and reincarnation stories are guilty of this. Most of the times authors focus more on the world building aspect rather than the character themselves, which isn’t a bad thing. However, what usually happen is we have an interesting world, but really boring characters. And in the end, it’s the characters that drive the story.  

In the end, I had a lot of fun talking about isekai. Maybe this can be a new trend of blogs where I talk about other genres not really familiar in the west. Anyhow, I hope you now have a better understanding of what isekai is. 

What is Isekai part 1

For the past two years or so, I’ve been reading a lot of light novels, particularly ones of the Isekai variety. Some may be wondering what is Isekai, and I believe I’ve read enough about the gimmick to explain it.

So what is Isekai? Basically, Isekai is a Japanese term for stories that take place in another word while the protagonist comes from this one. Generally, these new worlds are fantasy in nature or have completely different customs from the ones here on earth. I believe the reason for this is to give the writer freedom and express creative ideas that would otherwise not be possible. For example, you could have the protagonist be transported to a mystical world full of magic. Of course, you can do this in a regular fantasy novel that isn’t classified as Isekai. However, you lose that real life connection with the protagonist, and then suddenly everything isn’t that mystical anymore. The reason for this is the protagonist who is from the real world are bound by this worlds expectation. An example of this, is that you wouldn’t see people flying around or shooting fireballs out of their hands. Then when they get transported though, those previous established barriers set in their minds and the readers as well are shattered, letting the author experiment some more. 

Aside, from just being a good plot device to shatter expectations, it’s also a good way to progress the story. I’ll be talking about general trends later, but Isekai is also good for world building, hence progressing the story by explain certain story elements. Otherwise, this could be quite hard to explain later. An example of this is something like magic, which would be common knowledge in a fantasy setting. The reason for this? It could easily break immersion, as the author has to explain common world knowledge to a character that should already possesses this knowledge. However, this can still be easily subverted in fantasy by making the protagonist a child. This makes the explanation about whatever that needs to be explained part of their character development. 

Moving onto the trends of Isekai, there are generally two flavours of it. The first is world transportation and the second is reincarnation, I’ll be talking about reincarnation in a later blog. For now, in terms of world transportation, the most common application of this is in hero summoning stories. In stories like these, a hero or heroes are summoned from this world to fight some calamity. Generally the ages of these heroes are around that of a high school student, but that isn’t always the case and the story can also differ from time to time. However by the end of their adventure a demon is usually slain. 

In fact, when the protagonist is middle aged or a young adult, the types of stories that can be told are much more varied. Like above, the protagonist can be a hero saving the world. But a much more common trend I see with middle aged heroes, are slice of life stories. In stories like these, the hero ditches their job and leads a more civilized life, usually because a more capable hero took their place. However, this whole hero archetype can easily be flipped and the protagonist is instead summoned by a demon or the like. Personally, I find these stories are a lot rarer and are either really light hearted or really dark. 

The last kind of scenario I want to talk about is video game transportation. In stories like these, a character or characters gets transported into a game they heavily play, or sometimes another fantasy world. Usually these types of protagonist are overpowered and sometimes a Garysue/Marysue, which can leave the story bland but can be fixed with good character development and interactions. However, the goal in these types of stories are usually exploration or finding their way back out, sometimes a combination of the two. A really good example of a video game world transportation story is Log Horizon. In Log Horizon, it follows the trend of usually strong protagonists and the whole plot is to find a way home. In a way, Log Horizon is in my opinion the most textbook way a story can implement this kind of world transportation. 

Overall, Isekai is a pretty large subject that I can’t cover in one blog. Next week, I’ll be continuing this topic talking about the second type of Isekai, reincarnation and the flaws with Isaki as a whole.

My Second Semester Classes

In a previous blog, I talked about my first semester of grade 11 and how I felt about my current courses. However, in that blog I only covered my first semester. This time around, I would like to talk how I feel about my future second semester courses. 

First up is Media Arts, I believe I talked about why I picked this course in a previous blog. However, if you haven’t read that blog, I chose it because I had a lot of fun in it’s grade 10 variant. It also helps that I potentially would like a career related to Media Arts. As for how I feel about it, I feel pretty great. Unlike last semester, where I didn’t get any of the courses I really wanted or had to take out of obligation, I’m quite happy I got this class. As for hopes, I really hope we continue to use photoshop and other software similar to it. Nevertheless, I’m just happy I got the course and I look forward to taking it. 

Next is English, a course I don’t really mind taking. Even though it’s a mandatory course, I don’t have a dreading feeling about taking it. Through out my two previous high school year, English is the only mandatory course I’ve consistently done well in. It also helps that, I usually enjoy what we’re currently learning. The only times I can think of where I wasn’t particularly interested in the material, was probably when we were reading the mandatory novels. However, that’s just because the books chosen aren’t the ones I normally read so it’s a weird change of pace. As far as new material goes, there seems to be a unit focused on comics. In the end, I look forward to what we will learn. 

Now I’ll be talking about the only course I’ve been dreading of taking, Chemistry. Like Physics, it’s one of the three science courses. As for why I’m taking it, most of the good programs usually need two science courses, usually Chemistry and Physics. Therefore, the reason for me choosing this course isn’t because I think I’ll enjoy it like all my other courses. Instead, I basically need the course credit if I want to get anywhere in life. 

The last course of my second semester, is a course I didn’t actually choose. The course in question being Tech Design. However, I’m quite interested in it as one of my friends took the course before. It also helps that one of my previous teachers will be teaching the course. Basically, the premise of the course is using a software like CAD to create designs for structures. In grade 9 my friend made a cardboard chair, so our projects might be similar to that. Similar in the sense, that the course won’t be as focused on building. Instead, I think we’ll be focusing on the design aspect of our creations. Nevertheless, I think I’ll find the course interesting. The only thing I’m worried about is the technical drawings, because I had a bit of trouble with them last year. 

Overall, I’m looking forward to my next semester. With three classes I like, it will give me an opportunity to focus on Chemistry. All in all, I hope I do well next semester. 

Fire Emblem Three Houses Story and Thoughts

Recently I have finished the Nintendo Switch game, Fire Emblem Three Houses. I have a previous blog about this game, but that was prior to finishing the game. In fact, back when I wrote that blog, I hadn’t even half the story. Now that I have, one route at least, I can now share my throughs on the story. 

If you haven’t read my previous blog, let me give a refresher of the story and hopefully expand on it. At the beginning of the story, your player character acts as a teacher for one of three houses. I knew when I first picked up the game this decision would be very important. However, I didn’t know who much it would alter the story. In the end, I chose the Golden Deer house, which by looking at online statistics didn’t seem very popular. Anyhow, the first half of the story is very linear. There is almost nothing that will throw you off the set path. I currently know this very well because I’m playing the game a second time and there hasn’t been any major changes. 

After the time skip though, things become much more interesting. It is revealed that one of the students have been behind all the events during the school arc. Ironically, she is the leader of the most popular faction of the game so I wouldn’t be surprised if my reaction was much different to other players. Anyhow, this student takes control of their home faction and declares war against the church (the organization you and the school you teach at belongs too). At this point, this where all the routes start branching out. Like I said in my previous blog, there are four routes you can choose, one for each house and a route for the church. The downside to having four routes is that there aren’t too many chapters. I think in the Golden Deer route their were only around 10 chapters in the second arc. Suffice to say, during my time playing through the second half, I didn’t have fun killing off characters. It really sucks because sometimes you’ve invested a lot of time into a character and they turn on you, and I’m speaking from experience. The example I’m talking about is an archer I recruited during part one. After the time skip, I found it odd he didn’t show up. It wasn’t until I had to face him in the 16th chapter did I figure out what happened to him. Thankfully, my reputation was high enough with him so managed to recruit him into my army. However, things really would have sucked if I had to kill him. It wasn’t easy defeating him either because I over levelled all of my units… 

Now that I have talked about the Golden Deer route in depth, I would like to share some of my complaints. After defeating the traitorous student, you then have to defeat another bigger boss and it all just feels tacked on. The last three chapters of the Golden Deer route was fun, but it just felt so weird. For example, Fire Emblem takes place in a fantasy setting, but then there is one entire chapter that takes place in an underground city with robots, neon lights, and techno BGM. To this day, that chapter just left a bad taste in my mouth, it was like I was playing an entirely different game. Another minor thing I wish they could change would be at which point you receive the dancer class, but like I said it’s relatively minor.  

In the end, playing though the game in its entirety was really fun. Some of the highlights would probably be the student being an evil mastermind, or that the player character being a god. Mostly I came for the gameplay, but the story was also nice. So far, my Fire Emblem experience has been pretty great so far and I’m looking for the next release in the series. 

Grade 11 Semester 1

September is now here, and that mean school is now in full swing. Normally, I would have done a blog about my courses prior to school, just so I could share my opinion about the courses I’ve been given. Unfortunately, the school decided to withhold this information until the last week of summer. And don’t even get me started on our second semester courses, we didn’t even get those until school actually started. Anyhow what’s done is done, so let me share with you what courses I’ve been given this semester and how I feel about them. 

My first period, is Computer Engineering or TEI. When I say engineering, it just means we’ll be playing around with breadboards, arduinos, and how these two interact with each other. Unlike ICS which is pure coding, TEI is more like working with physical electronics and some code mixed in. So far in our first week, we’ve just been learning about all the components we’ll be using and how to theoretically but them on a breadboard. Well, technically it’s a refresher for some people because this is stuff you would have learned in previous engineering courses. As for what I think about the course? I think it’s pretty bland right now, but I’m certain it going to get better. It also helps that I’ve also heard a lot of good things about our teacher. When we get to the breadboards, I’m sure the course will get much better. 

Unfortunately I’m not as enthusiastic about my second period, Physics. So far our work hasn’t been that hard and I understand all of the things we’ve been doing so far. However, Physics has a reputation for being ridiculously hard. In our first week, we’ve only been looking at graphs and how those graphs relate a person is moving. In addition, our teacher also told us about future projects that look pretty fun. Suffice to say, Physics is pretty intimidating, but I hope to do well in the course. 

Just like my second period, I hold the same level of enthusiasm for my third period, Math. I don’t really now what to talk about because, well, it’s math. So far we’ve just been refreshing over things we’ve done in grade 10, primarily factoring. Besides refreshing, we’ve also been doing a lot of getting to know you activities. In the end, I just want to do better than my previous years and with the help of a tutor this year around I hope that goal comes true. 

Finally, my last period is ICS or Introduction to Computer Science. Like I said above, this course is pure coding, no electronics. Last year, I heard they were using Python but now this year the school is switching back to C#. What does that mean? Well, I not technically behind in terms of knowledge. I took a previous ICS course in grade 9 when C# was still the focus. Then I didn’t take any course in grade 10 where they did Python. So now that we’re back to using C# I could be consider quite lucky. Hopefully, this year will just be as fun as my year in grade 9. 

So that’s all of my course in grade 10. As you can see, I have a fairly balanced schedule this time around something I’m happy for. I’m looking forward to TEI and ICS while I hope I do well in the other two subjects. Overall, I very happy with my courses this time around. 

Schedule method alternatives?

If you know me personally, then you know I can be quite lazy. Unfortunately, there’s a tough and cruel world out there. To be more productive, mommy gratefully created me a schedule. However, lately it seems I haven’t really been following it. So this week, I wanted to talk about some other ways I might be able to stay productive. 

The first method I wanted to talk about, is the one I’m using right now. Something like this is good on normal days where I have nothing to do. Everything happens at a set time and nothing changes. So once you do it enough times, it becomes habit. For example, if I have math from 10 to 11 then that’s when it always happens. Unfortunately, there are also a few downsides to this kind of rigid structure. Sometimes, I just oversleep and I can miss several parts of my schedule. I could always shift things around to make things work out, but that defeats the entire point of the schedule method. 

This leads me to my second idea, which is very similar to the schedule method. I call it the checklist method. Just like the previous method, you do all your tasks within set times. For example you commit to two hours of math, you’ll eventually do two hour of math by end of the day. There is not set schedule, instead there’s a checklist with tasks you need to complete and the amount of time you need to commit. This method is a lot more flexible, but at the same time has more disadvantages. Because of how this is set up, I might end up pushing everything to the very end of the day. You see, I’m not very good at organizing my schedule. So although this may be a viable method in theory, it probably isn’t for me. 

The next idea I have, is simply called alarm. It’s quite similar to the reminder system Kalen and I had a long time ago from music practice. The reason I don’t use the reminder function instead, is because the constant pop ups become really annoying. So annoying I tend to ignore them these day. It’s kind of like pop up ads, you just have a habit of getting rid of them. It also doesn’t help I don’t do music anymore, and I still occasionally receive these reminders on the mac downstairs. In the end, I just thought it would be better to ditch the reminder system all together. Instead, I’ll use the alarm feature. It’s kind of like the reminder feature, but instead of reminding you it plays a blaring loud ringtone. It also helps I take these alarms quite seriously. If I didn’t, I would be late for school. 

Out of these three methods, I guess the schedule does work best on paper for me. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t want to at least attempt the checklist or alarm method. In fact, I could likely use the the alarm method in conjunction with one of the other two methods. Maybe the checklist method really will work, I just have to try and see what works. 

New Laptop

Recently, my old laptop has been replaced. So in this blog, I decided to describe how my experience has been with so far, what I normally use it for, and the changes I don’t really like. 

To start off, my experience with the laptop has been fairly well. Right now, during summer break, I’ve primarily been using it to consume media and write these blogs. However, I have also been using this laptop to do my Blender practice. Previously, renders would take around five minutes. Now, those renders feel much faster. However, there is one strange thing that has been catching my eye. Sometimes a small black bar will appear on the left side of my screen for no apparent reason. It does partially bother me or affect me because it last only maybe two seconds, but it’s still weird. Aside from that little annoyance, my experience has been pretty good so far. Some of the new additions I personally fond of is the speakers and the clearer screen. Now it feels like the sound is coming from the laptop and not underneath the keyboard. I also appreciate the cleaner screen, but maybe that’s just because it’s new and hopefully it stays that way. 

Sadly, there are more than a few personal changes I don’t particularly like. For example, the keys are really low. Unlike my last laptop, it feels like you’re practically typing on nothing. It can sometimes get annoying especially when I’m typing something or when I want to play a quick game of Tetris. However, I’m sure I’ll eventually get use to the new feel. Another change I don’t really like is the touch bar, although this is me just being use to it. It’s really cool, it’s just I’m not use to switching between all the different layouts. For example, I usually use the layout with the fast forward and pause button. The reason for this is because this layout is the most similar to my previous laptop. However, the problem with this is that now I’m missing the the escape button. Like the keyboard, I think I’ll eventually get use to it, but I still kind of miss my old layout. The last change I don’t really like, is the fact it only has one USB C if you don’t count the charger. Even with my last laptop, I found the lack of USB port annoying. An example of this is when I had to transfer data from one USB to another. I also don’t particularly like the idea of having to carry a dongle around. However, I guess it’s going to happen eventually with the way technology is progressing, so better start getting use to it now. 

Overall, I really do like my new laptop. Aside from typing on the keyboard, everything I do is faster now. Now, my laptop doesn’t take forever to load websites. It really makes a big difference, because now it doesn’t feel like your wasting time. By the start of school, I hope I’ll be ready to use this laptop to the best of my ability.

Phantom Bullet

For the past two days, I’ve been playing another Switch game. With my play-through of Fire Emblem Three Houses coming to an end, I decided to get another game. So, in this blog, I’ll be talking about this new game. Like usual, I’ll be talking about general game mechanics, my experience with the game, and my thoughts. 

Alright, the game in question is called Phantom Bullet. As you can tell from the name, it’s a shooter. More specifically a 3rd person shooter, meaning most of the time you’re looking over your avatar’s shoulder. The goal of the game, is to go through the story. The plot is that you start off at a low rank and then gain a reputation while looking for specific items. Not a very interesting is it? Well, the further you go into the story the better it gets. As you progress, you’ll have to fight multiple bosses to get access to new locations, not including multiple area bosses. Without any DLC, I believe the game has five in-game areas. I don’t really know how the game will end, because I haven’t reached it and I don’t really want to be spoiled. 

As far as the mechanics go, it feels pretty standard for a 3rd person shooter. Although, my only complaint was that the joysticks were really sensitive. This can sometimes make it a pain to shoot enemies as I always miss the target. I ended up going into the options menu and turning the sensitivity down to its lowest settings. Another thing that the game could improve upon, would be the maps. I knew going into this game I shouldn’t have expected much in terms of graphics. Still, it doesn’t mean I would’ve like seeing a bit more life. While travelling through all five areas, I don’t think I saw a single tree. There are monsters and building, plus the geography isn’t bad either. I just wish, there was a bit more life in the maps. 

In addition to the single player aspect, there is the still untouched multiplayer. Unfortunately, like Puyo Puyo Tetris, I doubt I could find a lobby. The reason for this, is because of who the general audience is. So unless you’re playing with friends, I don’t see anyone using the multiplayer function anytime soon. The only way I can see the multiplayer aspect drawing any attention, is if it’s some sort of battle royal. Even if that was the case, I don’t think I’ll be really interested. Unlike Kalen, I don’t really care about battle royal games. The only exception being Tetris 99. Still, I think I’ll likely just check out the multiplayer and not go any further than that. 

In the end, I’ve been having a lot of fun with the game. Like I said before I still think there are a few things the game could improve on. Unfortunately, with how long the game has already been out, I don’t any changes are going to be made. Still, it’s doesn’t mean I won’t enjoy the game any less.