This week, I will be talking about my music field trip on October 10th. On October 10th, my music class took a trip downtown to see the Rosebud string quartet at the Canadian opera company. Since practically the entire class forgot about the trip, most of the class just brought their entire school bag with them including me. When we boarded the bus, there were only 28 students, there was more than enough space to have an entire seat to myself. The bus ride was long and boring. On the way to downtown, we got stuck in a traffic jam and the stop and go movements made me feel nauseous. When we finally arrived at our destination I definitely felt better. Since we didn’t get dropped off directly at the Canadian opera company we had to walk there. Fortunately, the walk wasn’t too long, maybe 5 to 10 minutes. When reached the Canadian opera company we had around 45 minutes to look around downtown. Most of the students decided to go to a Tim Hortons to grab a snack including me. After I got back to the Canadian opera company, I began to eat my lunch since it was around 11:30 and we couldn’t go into the building until 11:45.
After finishing my lunch and taking a group photo in front of the Canadian opera company, we entered the building. Because I have never been to the Canadian opera company, I thought we would be lead to a theater but I was wrong. Instead, we were led to a row of seats that could have easily been mistaken for a staircase from far away. After taking our seats on the hard wooden seats my class began eating their lunch. I, on the other hand, began working on a small project I started working on my free time. After 45 minutes of eating the concert began at 12:30. From what I could see, there were two violins, one viola, and one cello. While we were eating lunch we got a small pamphlet that showed what the quartet would be playing. So then the quartet was setting up, I took a look at the pamphlet. The first thing I thought was wow this is a short concert because the pamphlet only showed two songs. One song was by Beethoven and the other by Haydn.
The first 30 minutes were very pleasent. The music almost fell asleep, but I managed to fall asleep. However, the pleasant feeling didn’t last and after an hour I began when the performance would end. Soon, an hour and 30 minutes had passed, and the concert showed no signs of stopping. I once again was about to fall asleep but the pain of sitting on hardwood for 1 and a half hours kept me awake. When the performance finally ended, my butt of very sore from sitting on hardwood for 2 hours straight. However, I couldn’t deny how good the performance was. The viola player definitely showed me I still had a long way to go. Even though I was put into music, it didn’t mean I don’t care about the subject. Once we boarded the bus, we began the long journey back to school. When we reached school we coincidently arrived at 2:15, the trastion time between 3rd and 4th period. This meant we got to enjoy the entirety of the 4th period and from there school continued as normal.
Overall, the trip was great. I thoroughly enjoyed my first field trip for high school not including blast. The only thing I could have wished for was no traffic and coushined seats. However, my friend said that part of downtown always had traffic and the fact the concert was free I can’t really complain. In the end, I hope to go on more field trips in the future.