New Kitten

Last week I mentioned how a few weeks ago my family and I got a kitten before the New Years and now I’m going to share what I think about the cat. The type of cat we got is a Balinese cat which is supposed to be a hypoallergenic type of cat. We had to get a hypoallergenic cat because our dad is allergic to most animal fur.

The idea to get a cat was my mom and brothers idea since they both really like cats, while my dad and I weren’t so fond of the idea of having a cat around the house. My main worries were the cat going into my room when I’m not inside, unplugging cables, or distracting me when I’m playing games. So far I haven’t had to worry too much about the cat going into my room because she doesn’t seem to stay in there for too long if nobody’s inside. However, a few weeks ago she unplugged a cable from behind our TV in the basement causing the internet to go out. Since then it hasn’t happened a second time but it hasn’t even been a month yet. As for my last concern, she’s not too distracting when I play games, but it feels weird having something brush against my legs as I play. After a while though, I’ve had another concern which is that our cat really likes to jump onto tables and chairs. When I first started to notice, she just liked to jump on chairs when nobody’s sitting on them to get onto the tables. Now though, she even jumps on anyone that’s sitting on a chair just to get onto a table. Especially when we eat dinner it’s really annoying, so now I just try to eat a bit quicker before she tries to jump on me. Sometimes I can guess when she is about to jump and move my chair a bit farther away and it works, but other times I’m not paying attention and she just jumps anyway.

So far, it hasn’t been too bad but then again it’s only been three or four weeks, so there’s still plenty of other things that can happen.

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