Each school year, my school has students create a way to present what they have learned so far in the school year, until around the last few months until winter break to their parents. This year, we are having our student led-conferences this week, and different classes have been preparing different presentations for their parents. The student led-conferences take place after school and over the weekend so that they don’t interfere with normal school schedule.
My class’ teacher gave us a Google Slide with different topics to discuss with our parents. As the students, we worked over the previous week to change the Google Slide so that it would personally cater to ourselves. Once we believed that we had completed the slide, our teacher would check it over with as and maybe help us change a few things or give advice on what to talk about with the parents. I had my student led-conference after school today, so I’ve already gotten it finished. As a student in the intermediate division of our school, I had to do my student led-conference inside the gym as opposed to in the classroom where most other classes do theirs. Most of the Google Slide was talking about high school, what we want to do in the future, what we can do to help ourselves to improve, and things like that.
Overall, I think that the student led-conference went alright since I was able to get it over with after school, so it wasn’t that bad. I think the worst part of it was, the preparation for the presentation which took a lot of time and the fact that we have to go to the school for the conference but otherwise, it wasn’t too bad.