School is going to end next week, but despite that my class still, has a science project due next Tuesday on different astronomy tools. Each group is supposed to choose a tool used in space or that help study space and then put all the information on a bristol board to present the information.
My group is researching all about the telescope and we have gathered all the information and all we need to do is put it on our bristol board. The telescope was invented in between 1608-1609 by a German spectacle maker named Hans Lippershey. The first person to actually use a telescope to look into space was an Italian astronomer named Galileo Galilei. He improved the original design so that it was able to look at planets far away from Earth. Telescopes work by using two pieces of glass called lenses that bend light into focus so that when the light reaches your eye the image you are looking at appears magnified. This way, it is easy to see things that are far away. Early telescopes were used by sea merchants to observe ships. They were also used by some militaries.
Telescopes are still being used today and are also being improved. An example of this is the Hubble Space Telescope made by NASA that was created to observe space. The telescope is an interesting device that has allowed us to gain lots of knowledge about space without actually going there.