In the past few weeks in my French class, we were supposed to make a small group of around three to four and choose a French food, make a poster of the ingredients and instructions, and also make a video of the group making the food.
My group decided to make a macaron cake which was a cake with macarons on it. So we had to make a cake which was a chocolate one and also macarons. We had to find four different recipes because we were putting all of the items together like the frosting, cake, and macarons. First, we had to find recipes and then translate them to French which took a while. Then we had to design a poster, but since we had so many recipes we only put the chocolate cake on the poster and we also decided to just make the cake when making the video.
When we met to make the cake we waited around a little bit to decide what we were gonna do and then we started to film the intro which took a long time since some of us kept on laughing so it took a long time. Then we actually started baking, but while gathering the ingredients we found out that there was no baking soda so we had to use more baking powder. Once we finished making the cake batter and put it into the oven we took a break and then started making the frosting. The frosting was easy to make but there was a lot of sugar. I was slightly concerned about the cake however because we kept the cake in the oven for a long time which was more than half an hour at 350 degrees °F. The cake turned out alright, but I’m pretty sure I’ve made better cakes before. We ended up taking almost five hours just to make the cake.
In conclusion, I think the cake was okay but we took way too long to make it and probably should’ve used a different recipe because the batter was really thick and took a long time to mix.