January 2017 Winter Elective

Last Tuesday my school had our winter electives which were different activities we could choose online before hand. I chose to go skiing with a few of my other friends. Since I chose to go skiing, I had to wake up early because the ski resort is farther away than the rest of the electives. The bus ride was very loud, but it only took around an hour to get to the resort. When we arrived at Snow Valley (The place where we skied), I went up to the chalet to meet my mom and dad. I put on all of my ski equipment and then went outside to put on my skis. I took the stripe test to see which hills I could go on. The test is basically going down on a small hill and showing the ski resort how well you can turn and stop. I got a green stripe which meant I could only go on the green hills, but later I did a blue stripe test at 12:30pm and got my blue stripe, which meant I can go on both green and blue hills. Most of my friends were taking lessons so I mostly skied by myself, my brother, and my dad. I went back inside at around 1:20pm to pack my things up to get ready to go on the bus. We took the same bus back to the school. We arrived at the school at around when school ended (3:30pm). Overall I had a good time, but if I got to ski with my friends it would’ve been a better experience.

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